Do you ever feel like you’re constantly clicking around on Instagram and spying some industry ‘friend’ (okay fine, competitor) absolutely SLAYING it with their brand’s thoughtful suite of droolworthy images. You know you have the experience … but yep, they have the styled, scroll-stopping look—and there’s no denying it.

… or feel insecure about your brand’s aesthetic?

… or perhaps you want so BADLY to tick up your price point just a bit … but it feels a little wrong?

I mean, you know you have an amazing product, provide a kick-ass service and you might even have awesome website copy, but your images just don’t back that up. 

You’ve been feeling kinda like an imposter… like your business isn’t really legit?

Well, you’re in the right place.

In the free workshop, you will learn:

Why visual strategy is the thing you’ve been looking for to uplevel your business and make more sales and bookings.

How I went from zero bookings and crickets in my inbox to booking $5k+ projects (and how my clients do the same).

How to get the exact eyes you need on your brand to book you clients.

The 3 things that you need to know to create scroll-stopping images whether you sell $5 products or $5k+ services or something in between.

How you can address the big picture mistakes most creative businesses are making that leads to clients and customers scrolling right on past them, so that you don't fall into that same trap.

I’m really excited to share this with you!










Sign me up

The training will be one hour long.

I’m showing up live with a cuppa caffeine

We’ll do a live Q&A so show up with your questions!


Is this you?

You’re feeling insecure about your brand’s aesthetic?

You're stuck at a certain price point in your work, and you're afraid that if you up your prices, no one is going to book or buy from you?

You’re ready to bump up your prices, books those clients who feel “out of your league”, and stand out from all the lookalike businesses?

You’re ready to cut through the internet noise with arresting photos that cause them to double tap ... then click to your website ... and then hit add to cart?

You're feeling on the edge of burnout because you are constantly scrambling to find a decent image to post on Insta that doesn’t have you feeling insecure when a potential client/partner/customer with a better aesthetic hits the follow button (they're silently judging—you KNOW it)?

You're In The Right Place!









So who exactly is teaching this class?

I’m Sandra Chau and I’m a stylist and creative director. 

I’ve been digging into the guts of a story and communicating it artfully since I passed the bar and began my stint as an intellectual property lawyer for brands, but now? I create high-level imagery for businesses so they can tell their brand story in a strategic way that leads to huge profits.

Back in 2013, I was creating imagery that no-one was interested in, imagery that brought in zero leads. I struggled with creating imagery that helped me be seen. It wasn’t that my images weren’t beautiful - that was the mysterious part - they were pretty. My shoots would get featured in magazine publications and blogs, but they just did nothing to bring in clients that were willing to pay my prices. And I just looked like everybody else. 

So I studied. And I figured it out. I learned to style (yes it’s totally a learnable skill), but more than that, I figured out the secret. I devised a strategy.

And it didn't take long before my images started speaking to the right people… before they started bringing in good leads… before I started booking 4 figure projects with the kind of clients I actually wanted to work with - those who were actually willing to pay my prices! And it was all because my images made them stop and connected to them in a way that showed them my value and what my strategy led approach could do for their brand. 

And you can do this for yourself too! My students go from crickets to getting enquiries within weeks of putting their learning into action AND then BOOKING their IDEAL clients within months. And this is even before they’ve put their branding images out into the world!

So if this ex-intellectual-property-lawyer-turned-self-taught-creative-director can do it, so can you. 

Ultimately, I want your business to have the same level of success. And I KNOW that visual strategy is the answer (even if you don’t have any idea where to begin!) to growing a profitable business.

If you come to this class, I can guarantee you’ll walk away with confidence in your business and clearcut strategies you can use to create beautiful and unique imagery that get you seen, book you the RIGHT clients, sell your products, raise your prices and increase your profits.

It is possible for you to grow a profitable business.  

See you there!